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-Papillion-La Vista South High School-
Mr. Stenger

Period 2: Organization and Reoganization of Human Societies, 600 BCE to 600 CE
Chapter 2- Classical China
-Chapter 2 Reading Questions
-"Must Know" Asian countries
-Crash Course: China video clip
-How China became Chinese
-Nuts & Bolts: Confucianism, Daoism, Legalism
-Early Chinese Beliefs
-How the Terracotta army works article
-Philosophical Traditions of China chart
-China: Classical Civilization chart (Zhou, Qin, Han)
-The Way of the State: Legalism
-Confucius, selections form the Analects
-An Essay Question from the Chinese Imperial Examination System
-Daoism: The Classic of the Way and Virtue (500s-400s BCE)
-Legalism: selections from The Writings of Han Fei
Chapter 3- Classical India
-Chapter 3 Reading Questions
-Crash Course: India video clip
-Hinduism Presentation
-Nuts & Bolts: Hinduism, Buddhism
-Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) bio
-Religions of India chart
-India: Classical Civilization chart (Maurya, Gupta)
-Societal comparison of India/China chart
-Societal comparison of India/China writing description
-Women in Classical India
-Hindu Creation Myth and the Caste System (500 BCE, 200 CE)
Chapter 4- Classical Mediterranean and Middle East
-Chapter 4 Reading Questions
-"Must Know" European countries
-Mediterranean: Classical Civilization chart (Greece, Hellenistic Age, Roman Republic/Empire)
-Crash Course: Alexander the Great video clip
-Crash Course: Persians and the Greeks
-Crash Course: Roman Republic/Empire video clip
-Rome Info graphic
-Rome: A continuation of Greek culture
-Roman Government during the Republic chart
-Roman Republic checks and balances
-Roman Government web quest
-Ancient Roman and Greek Architecture in America example
-Aristotle on Slavery
-Aristotle, The Creation of the Democracy in Athens
-Darius the Great: Ruler of Persia 522 BCE
-Descriptions of Alexandria, Egypt (1st c. CE) Arrian and Strabo
-Maccabees: Resistance to Hellenization in the Hellenistic Period, c. 100 BCE
-Plutarch on Alexander the Great (1st c. BCE)
-Plutarch on Life in Sparta (1st c. BCE)
-Slaves in Roman Law 5th c. CE
-Thucydides on Athens (5th c. BCE)
Chapter 5- The Classical Civilizations Decline
-Chapter 5 Reading Questions
-Crash Course: Fall of the Roman Empire video clip
-Crash Course: Christianity to Judaism to Constantine video clip
-Nuts & Bolts: Christianity, Judaism
-Silk Road exchange reading
-Rome/Han decline comparison
-Ch. 2-5 Test Review
-Huns & Goths (376) Ammianus Marcellinus
-Ammianus Marcellinus on the Huns
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